What To Bring To A Bridal Shower

Bridal Shower


Attending a bridal shower is an exciting event, but it can be tricky to decide what to bring as a gift. The bride-to-be will appreciate any thoughtful gesture, but it’s always best to come prepared with something she’ll love. Here are some ideas and tips on what to bring to a bridal shower.

Gifts for the Home

One of the most popular gifts for a bridal shower is something for the home. This could be anything from kitchen appliances to decorative items for the living room. Some ideas include a coffee maker, a set of wine glasses, or a cozy throw blanket. Choose something that the bride-to-be will use and love.

Home Appliances

Personalized Gifts

Another great option is a personalized gift. This could be a monogrammed towel set, a customized cutting board, or a piece of jewelry with the bride’s initials. Personalized gifts show that you put thought and effort into your gift, and they’re always appreciated.

Personalized Gifts

Gifts for Relaxation

Planning a wedding can be stressful, so a gift that promotes relaxation is always a good idea. This could be a spa gift certificate, a scented candle, or a plush bathrobe. The bride-to-be will appreciate the opportunity to unwind and pamper herself.

Relaxation Gifts

Gift Cards

If you’re not sure what to get the bride-to-be, a gift card is always a safe choice. Consider a gift card to her favorite store or restaurant, or a general gift card that can be used anywhere. This allows the bride to choose something she really wants or needs.

Gift Cards

Something Blue

As tradition goes, the bride should have something old, something new, something borrowed, and something blue for her wedding day. Consider bringing a gift that fulfills this tradition, such as a blue scarf or a set of blue earrings. The bride-to-be will appreciate the sentiment and the opportunity to fulfill the tradition.

Something Blue

Something Fun

Finally, consider bringing a gift that’s just for fun. This could be a board game, a funny mug, or a book of jokes. The bride-to-be will appreciate the opportunity to let loose and have a good time.

Something Fun

Tips for Choosing a Gift

When choosing a gift for a bridal shower, keep these tips in mind:

Consider the Bride’s Personality

Think about the bride’s interests and personality when choosing a gift. If she loves to cook, consider a cookbook or a set of kitchen gadgets. If she’s into fashion, consider a statement piece of jewelry. This will show that you put thought into your gift.

Bride Personality

Stick to the Registry

If the bride has created a registry, it’s always a good idea to stick to it. This ensures that you’re getting her something she really wants or needs, and it avoids duplicate gifts.

Bridal Registry

Set a Budget

Before you start shopping, set a budget for your gift. This will help you narrow down your options and avoid overspending.

Gift Budget

Wrap it Nicely

Presentation is everything, so be sure to wrap your gift nicely. Consider using a pretty gift bag, wrapping paper, or ribbon. This will make your gift look even more thoughtful and special.

Gift Wrapping


Attending a bridal shower is a fun and exciting event, but it can be stressful to choose the perfect gift. Keep in mind the bride’s personality, stick to the registry if possible, set a budget, and wrap your gift nicely. With these tips and gift ideas, you’re sure to bring a smile to the bride-to-be’s face.

Related video of What to Bring to a Bridal Shower
